Wurfbude Ohne Titel DNA Europan Leuchtturm EU Kreuz Oppurtunisten Freiheit  
Quadripode Zentrifuge Ohne Titel Crashtest Blauer Engel Leierkasten Jetzt gehts los Max. 1 Minute  
Scala Periskop Prototypen 2 x 280 Grad 110 - 270 Zimmer 21 Boot Kal. 50  


Steel scaff olding, car seat, cogs, chains, bicycle pedals, ø 6 m, Höhe approx. 2 m
A visitor sits in the seat, puts on the seat belt, and starts pedaling. The centrifuge starts moving. The faster the person pedals, the faster it revolves. A good cyclist can get up to 2.5 Gs.
This work was made for the ”Skulpturale Handlungen” (Sculptural acts) exhibition
at the ”Galerie der Künstler BBK Munich.”

