Wurfbude Ohne Titel DNA Europan Leuchtturm EU Kreuz Oppurtunisten Freiheit  
Quadripode Zentrifuge Ohne Titel Crashtest Blauer Engel Leierkasten Jetzt gehts los Max. 1 Minute  
Scala Periskop Prototypen 2 x 280 Grad 110 - 270 Zimmer 21 Boot Kal. 50  

45,9 cm2 FREIHEIT (2007)

15 credit cards
More and more, credit cards are becoming a status symbol. It is not only the choice of bank that plays a role. Color and design are also crucial, since they permit a person's creditworthiness to be recognized. This work caricatures this development.
This work was made for the "Ausverkauft" (Sold Out) exhibition ath the Galerie Klüser , Munich.

45,9 cm2 Freiheit
