Wurfbude Ohne Titel DNA Europan Leuchtturm EU Kreuz Oppurtunisten Freiheit  
Quadripode Zentrifuge Ohne Titel Crashtest Blauer Engel Leierkasten Jetzt gehts los Max. 1 Minute  
Scala Periskop Prototypen 2 x 280 Grad 110 - 270 Zimmer 21 Boot Kal. 50  


cairs, computerized remote control, electric motors, wire, pedestal 4 x 1.0 m x 1.0 m x 1.2 m
The chairs collapse one by one, at irregular intervals.
After a while, they straighten themselves, only to collapse again.
This work was created for the ”Favoriten” exhibition at the Lenbachhaus, Munich.

Ohne Titel
